North Carolina Sand Dunes Couple Session
I know I am a little late on blogging this session from 2019 spring (yes I am aware it has almost been a year) but these two are to cute not to share. SO HERE IT IS!!
We spent the day with the massive sand dunes of Jockey Ridge State Park as our playground for this fun couple session with Matt & Sydney! We got blessed with the most perfect blue sky to contrast the bright white of the sand. These beautiful sand dunes are located on the coast of North Carolina in the Outer Banks. It is just a few hours from where I live in Virginia Beach but it is totally worth the drive down the Eastern Coast. From piggy back rides, rolling down the sand dunes, and making fishy faces, these two were just so fun to spend the day capturing. Sometimes it is hard to believe that this is my Job?!!? I mean like WHAT?!? I get to travel to the most beautiful locations with the raddest couples! It is INSANE TO ME!
This session was a part of a shoot-a-thon put on by Jessie Walker Photography that I had the pleasure of helping out with. So not only did I get to spend the day with Matt & Sydney but I also had the chance to meet and connect with some AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHERS! This day was one for the books and I am so thankful for friendships that came from it!